How to Play Pyramid Solitaire Ancient Egypt:
- Pyramid Solitaire Ancient Egypt is a card game played with a standard deck of 52 cards.
- Each round begins with 28 cards dealt face up in the shape of a pyramid, 3 cards dealt face up at the bottom forming 3 stacks, and the remaining 21 cards left face down forming the pack.
- Aces count as 1, Jacks as 11 and Queens as 12. Kings count as 13 and can be removed on their own. All other cards are at their face value.
- The goal is to remove all cards from the pyramid by making combinations that add up to 13.
- A combination may consist of only one card (a King) or a pair of cards (any 2 cards that add up to 13).
- Use your left mouse button to click cards that add up to 13 to remove them from the board.
- The only cards that are in play, and may be clicked, are any card in the pyramid that is not overlapped by another card, the top card from any of the 3 stacks, and any card that is in the 'Temp Card Store' space.
- You may make a paired combination (that is, 2 cards that add up to 13) by doing any of the following: Click 2 playable cards from the pyramid. Click 2 playable cards from the stacks. Click 1 playable card from the pyramid and 1 playable card from a stack. Click 1 playable card from the pyramid and the card from the 'Temp Card Store.' And finally, click 1 playable card from a stack and the card from the 'Temp Card Store.'
- When you run out of combinations to make, click the space that says 'More Cards.' Clicking the 'More Cards' space deals 3 more cards, 1 to the top card of each stack.
- You may move any card in play to the temporary storage area (which Pyramid Solitaire Ancient Egypt calls the 'Temp Card Store') to assist you. To move a card to the 'Temp Card Store' first click on the card, then click the space named 'Temp Card Store.' Only one card at a time is allowed in the 'Temp Card Store' space.
- You may use the 'Undo' button, at any time, to undo your last move. The 'Undo' button only goes back 1 move. You can never go back farther than 1 move.
- Score 500 points for each combination you make.
- Score extra bonus points by completing a round quickly.
- Score a deck card bonus of 1,000 per card for each card that remains in the pack when you successfully complete a round by removing every card from the pyramid.
- There is also another bonus called the 'Round Number Bonus.' (Originally I did not know how this bonus worked. But thanks to Krista's insightful comment below, I can now give you the explanation). When you successfully complete Round 1, you receive a 1,000 point round number bonus. Successfully completing Round 2 earns you a 2,000 round number bonus. And successfully completing Round 3 earns you a 3,000 round number bonus, and so forth.
- Score 10,000 points for removing every card from the board!
- If you are able to remove all cards from the pyramid, you go to the next round! If you fail, the game is over.
Please Note: Before playing Pyramid Solitaire Ancient Egypt in Full Screen mode, you may want to take a moment, or two, to read my review. Then, after playing your game, simply click the back button on your browser to return to this page.
Pyramid Solitarie Ancient Egypt Game Options:
- The game sounds may be turned on or off by clicking the microphone icon located at the lower right side of the game.
- Anytime you want to pause the game click the 'Menu' button located near the lower right corner of the game screen. (Why this button is not labeled 'pause' is beyond me). To continue your game, click 'Resume.'
Pyramid Solitarie Ancient Egypt Playing Tips:
- Anytime you click on a card, watch the upper right corner of the game screen. Pyramid Solitaire Ancient Egypt will tell you the rank of the card you need to complete the pair to make a combination adding up to 13.
- Anytime you have a chance to remove all cards from the board and all cards from the pyramid you should do this because you will earn a bonus of 10,000 points. Make those last few moves carefully. Sometimes making just one move before another can make the difference! But remember. Your first, and most important, priority is to remove all cards from the pyramid so you can make it to the next round.
- After you have dealt the last 3 cards from the pack Pyramid Solitarie Ancient Egypt will automatically put up a notice that says 'Take Points.' This does not mean anything. It certainly does not mean you have lost the game. It simply means there are no more cards remaining in the pack. Continue playing. Play until you have no more moves left to make. By playing things out, at the very least you will pick up more points even if you do lose. And, very often, you can complete the round successfully and make it to the next round. So, don't let the 'Take Points' message deter you. Keep going!
- Try to leave the 'Temp Card Store' space open as much as possible. This will give you greater flexibilty when you do need to use this space. I am not suggesting that you do not use the 'Temp Card Space'. On the contrary, I am telling you to leave it open, if possible, so you can use it over and over again. Let me give you an example. Let's say you have an uncovered 8 that is in play, and the 8 is the only card overlapping a 5. If the 'Temp Card Store' space is open you can move the 8 there. Then click on the 8 again to select it and click on the 5. You have accomplished two things. First, you have removed those two cards from the board. And second, because you removed the 8 after moving it to the 'Temp Card Store' space area, that space is empty again and ready to be used for similar situations. So use the 'Temp Card Store' space often, but try to keep it open as much as possible too.
- Suppose you have this scenario. You have an uncovered 3 in the pyramid that you can play. You also have two tens, each of which are the top card of a stack. One of the tens has no cards underneath it. The other ten does have one or more cards underneath it. Which ten should you pair with the 3? The correct move is to play the ten that has cards underneath it. If you play the ten with no cards underneath it, this opens up a blank space in the stack which has absolutely no value to you. If you play the ten that does have cards underneath it, you expose the next card underneath, and you may be able to pair this newly exposed card with another card to make another combination of 13. Even if you cannot, this still is the correct move because you do not want to allow any stack to become too deep. If you allow a stack to become deep this increases your difficulity. You may need one of the cards that is buried deep within the stack, and the more cards that are on top the harder it will be. So, in the scenario I have laid out, move the ten with the cards underneath it. This is just an example, but I think you get the idea.
- Sometimes you may have a situation where you can pair a card from a stack with either a card from the pyramid or with a card from one of the other 2 stacks. What should you do? While your first instinct may be to pair it with the card from the pyramid this may not necessarily always be the best move. It really depends on what cards lie underneath the 2 stack cards and what cards lie underneath the pyramid card. Think of it this way. Each time you uncover cards, new moves become possible. So, which move is best usually depends on what lies underneath.
- Learn to look deep into the pyramid. (No, I am not suggesting anything mystical, lol. I am strictly talking logic here). Look at the cards that are buried deepest near the top of the pyramid. As you progress in a round you should be thinking 'How can I get these cards removed?' Thinking about this early in a round can sometimes help you win the round!
- Don't hesitate to use the 'Undo' button. That, alone, can sometimes make the difference between winning and losing.
Richard's Rating: 5 out of 5.
Pro: Pyramid Solitarie Ancient Egypt is an excellent game of strategy that will definitely give anyone a challenge. The graphics and sounds are quite good. I especially like to see, and hear, that pyramid rise after winning a round. That is one cool special effect!
Con: If you are not familiar with pyramid solitaire this game will take a little bit of practice to get used to. And, you probably will not have very much fun until you do get good at it. So, practice, practice, practice!!!
Other Games: If you like playing Pyramid Solitarie Ancient Egypt, you might also like to try Chief Eagle Solitaire.
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