Indiana Jones & The Lost Treasure of Pharaoh

Game Description: Help Indiana Jones find the the lost treasure of Pharaoh, but watch out for the booby traps set to stop you.

How to Play Indiana Jones & The Lost Treasure of Pharaoh:
  • Use your left, right, and up arrow keys to help Indiana Jones get through each level.
  • Make it through each level to get to the next one.
  • When you fail, you start at the beginning of the level you are currently on. (You do not have to go back to the beginning of the game).
  • You may repeat each level as many times as you need.

Indiana Jones & The Lost Treasure of Pharaoh Playing Tips:
  • This is Richard. I am not going to be much help with this one. I am stuck on level 2. Does anyone know how to get past the four trap doors? If you are able to figure this out, please post a comment below and explain how you do this.

Richard's Rating: 3 out of 5.

Pro: Indiana Jones & The Lost Treasure of Pharaoh seems to be quite fun. Thankfully there is no time limit to get through each level. Plus you get unlimited lives! And isn't it nice that when you do fail a level, that you simply get to start the level again, and you don't need to go back to the beginning of the game.

Con: It would have been nice to have had a control to mute, or quiet, the music. Instead, you will need to adjust your computer speakers.

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