
Game Description: Meet the first multiplayer solitaire game on the web... TriPeakz! Play the classic game of tripeaks solitaire and compete against other players from all over the world in real-time!

How to Play TriPeakz:
  • You will need to have Adobe Flash Player 9.0, or later, installed on your computer to play TriPeakz. If you play other games here on Richard's Game Reviews, chances are you already do. But, if not, click here to install.
  • If this is your first time playing TriPeakz, type your player name in the 'New Player' box. (Your player name is the name other people will see when they play you. You will also see their player name. Your player name may be your first name, or any other name you choose). After you type in your player name, click the 'Accept' button.
  • Click the 'Play Online' button.
  • If you see a screen that says 'Instructions', click the 'Close' button to close this screen and begin play.
  • You will see a brief screen that says 'Connecting to Server.' This should only take a few moments.
  • Each level begins with some cards dealt face down near the bottom of the game screen (the pack), 1 card face up immediately to the right of the pack (the discard pile), and numerous cards with some face up and some face down (the playing field). There will also be some 'R' cards dealt to the lower left bottom of the game screen.(More on this later).
  • The goal of TriPeakz is to move the entire playing field unto the discard pile before the pack runs out of cards and, if possible, before your online opponent can do the same to his/her cards.
  • A card may be moved from the playing field unto the discard pile when it is one card higher or lower. For example if the discard pile shows a 7, any 6 or any 8 may be moved from the playing field unto the pile.
  • Build sequences until the playing field is clear. For instance: 3, 2, A, K, Q, J, 10, J, Q, K, A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3... The order can be ascending, descending or both.
  • Use your left mouse button to move a card from the playing field to the discard pile by clicking on it. (The card will automatically move as long as it is eligible to do so and any face down cards from the field that are freed up will automatically turn face up).
  • When you run out of moves from the playing field, click the pack. This will automatically overturn the top card from the pack and place that card face up on the discard pile and play begins again.
  • Use an 'R' card (near the lower left corner) to remove any card from the playing field. To use an 'R' card, first click on the 'R' card. Then, click on any card from the playing field to remove it. (Note: the card will only be removed from the playing field. It will not go to the discard pile where you can build on it).
  • A few cards have a yellow background. When you make a play on a card with a yellow background, this earns you an additional 'R' card.
  • A card with a large yellow 'J' pictured on it, is a wild card. A wild card can cover any card. And any card can cover a wild card.
  • You can use the 'Undo' button to cancel your last move.
  • Use the 'Hint' button to show you a possible move.
  • If you are able to remove all cards from the playing field before the pack runs out you win the level, and you go on to the next level. Should you fail, you may repeat a level until you succeed.
  • Remember, as far as completing a level is concerned, it does not matter what your opponent does. It only matters what you do. If you clear all of the cards from the field before the pack runs out, you advance to the next level. If you don't, you must repeat the level.

TriPeakz Scoring:
  • At the same time you are playing your game you will see your opponents game in real-time on a separate panel, at the right side of the game screen. Your opponent will also see your game progress on his/her screen.
  • If you are able to complete the level before your opponent does, or if your opponent has already lost, you'll get his score as a bonus. (What this means is, you will get whatever points your opponent had achieved at the exact time you finished. Of course, your opponent will keep playing on his own and still try to win his game. But, by then, you will likely already be playing your next live opponent)!
  • If your opponent is able to complete the level before you do, your opponent will get your score as his or her bonus but you do not lose any points yourself.
  • Sometimes, when you reach the higher levels of play, the server may not be able to find you an online opponent because there is no one available who is playing the same level you are at the exact same time. You can either wait and play later, or just go ahead and play the level yourself without an opponent. You can still collect your own points should you be able to complete the level successfully.

TriPeakz Game Options: The game options may be accessed by clicking the 'Options' button located on the main game screen. After you change the options, click the 'Accept' button to save your changes. The game options are as follows:
  • The sound volume may be set in increments of 10, from 100 down to zero (off).
  • The music volume may also be set in increments of 10, from 100 down to zero (off).
  • The window size button will not function here at Richard's Game Reviews. So, just leave it as it is.
TriPeakz Playing Tips:
  • TriPeakzwill always show you how many cards remain in the pack, and how many 'R' cards you have. So, be aware of this.
  • Each level of TriPeakz will have a different layout. For certain layouts where there are only a couple of cards that cover lots of other cards you may need to use your 'R' cards early in a round to free up more cards. However, if you can keep your 'R' cards until the very end this often can help you win the level and defeat your online opponent.
  • Don't forget to use your wild cards.
  • Use your 'Undo' button. Your 'Undo' button can help you to defeat your online opponent and win a level. So, just remember that it is there to use.
Richard's Rating: 4 out of 5.

Comments: The multiplayer aspect of TriPeakz adds a brilliant, and a whole new element of fun to this traditional solitaire game. If you like tripeaks solitaire, you will absolutely love this game!
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