Word Drop

Game Description: Word Drop is a randomly generated word find game with a slight twist. All the letters that you use to form words disappear from the playing field, dropping all letters above them down. Letters will consolidate to the left if a row is depleted. Score more points by forming larger words as well as clearing rows, columns, or even the entire board.

How to Play Word Drop:
  • Try to spell words from 3 to 10 letters long.
  • Click a letter to start a word.
  • Click any touching letter to continue.
  • Click the last letter again to finish a word.
  • If Word Drop accepts your word you will earn points. If your word is unacceptable you will hear a "boing" sound, and you must then try to spell a different word.
  • If you start to spell a word, and then change your mind, simply click anywhere else on the board to begin a new word.
  • As letters are used the remaining letters above drop down.
  • When a column of letters is used up the remaining columns squeeze together.
  • If you can't find any words, press the large shuffle button on the right side to get new letters.
  • Three reshuffles are allowed per game.

How to Score in Word Drop:
  • 3 letter words score 270 points.
  • 4 letter words score 810 points.
  • 5 letter words score 2,430 points.
  • 6 letter words score 7,290 points.
  • 7 letter words score 21,870 points.
  • 8 letter words score 65,610 points.
  • 9 letter words score 196,830 points.
  • 10 letter words score 590,490 points.
  • Clearing rows, columns, or even the entire board will earn you bonus points.

Play Word Drop on Full Screen

Please Note: Before playing Word Drop in Full Screen mode, you may want to take a moment, or two, to read my review. Then, after playing your game, simply click the back button on your browser to return to this page.

Word Drop Game Options:
  • The game sounds may be turned on or off by clicking the microphone icon located on the upper right side of the game screen.

Word Drop Playing Tips:
  • The way to score high in Word Drop is to concentrate on spelling longer words. A single 10 letter word earns you almost six hundred thousand points! A single 9 letter word earns you almost two hundred thousand points! Of course, it is not that easy to find these longer words, but it is well worth it when you can.
  • Chances are you are not going to find a 9 or 10 letter word without first dropping down other letters. This is not that difficult because with Word Drop you will know exactly where the letters will drop. It just takes a little planning. For instance, when you see a combination for a large word you may need to first use up a few letters above in order for the letters you need to drop down. After the letters drop down where you need them, you can then spell that longer word!
  • Make plurals. Word Drop will accept the plural form of a word. With most words in the English language you will simply add the letter 'S' to the end of the word to make it plural. Remember, with Word Drop, just adding one more letter to a word makes a huge difference to your score.
  • Look for common prefixes and suffixes. A prefix occurs at the beginning of a word. Some common prefixes are: anti, auto, com, con, dis, extra, il, im, in, inter, intra, ir, macro, micro, non, pre, pro, sub, syn, trans, tri, and un. A suffix occurs at the end of a word. Some common suffixes are: able, acy, al, ance, ate, dom, ed, ence, er, ful, fy, ible, ic, ical, ify, ing, ious, ise, ish, ism, ist, ity, ive, ize, less, ment, ness, or, ous, ship, sion, and tion. Identifying common prefixes and suffixes can help you form those longer words for higher scores.
  • If you are not sure if Word Drop will accept your word try it anyway. If it turns out that Word Drop will not accept your word no harm is done because Word Drop will not deduct any points from your score when a word is not accepted.
  • Don't forget you get 3 reshuffles per game. So, use them when you feel the time is right.

Richard's Rating: 5 out of 5.

Comments: Word Drop is a fun and challenging word game. It is certainly challenging to find those 9 or 10 letter words. Even the 8 letter words are not that easy to find. I especially like the fact, that there is no time limit. This gives you time to think, and strategize.

Other Games: If you enjoy playing Word Drop, you may also like to play Wordstacks.

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