As you follow these instructions, remember to move your mouse around until you find each hot spot. You can tell when you find a hot spot because your mouse pointer will change to a different shape.
- Click the 'Start' button.
- Your first view is the TV room. Click the number 9 to collect it.
- Click the black bar on the right side of the game screen. You are still in the TV room, but with a different view.
- Click the urn in the lower right corner. Click the number 9 to collect it.
- Click the black bar near the bottom of the game screen (just above the numbers). This takes you back to the TV room.
- Now, click the purple lounge chair (the one closest to the big projection TV screen). Click the number 3 to collect it.
- Click the black bar near the bottom of the game screen (just above the numbers). This takes you back to the TV room.
- Click the black bar on the left side of the game screen. You are still in the TV room, but you are back to the original view you started from.
- Click the black bar on the left side of the game screen. This takes you to the computer room.
- Click the left side of the desk (right above the first first number 9). Click the number 7 to collect it.
- Click the black bar near the bottom of the game screen (just above the numbers) to return to the full view of the computer room.
- Click the computer on the desk (you will see it inside the computer hutch). Click the computer a second time to reveal the number 7. Click the number 7 to collect it.
- Click the computer a third time to put the computer back where it belongs.
- Click the black bar near the bottom of the game screen (just above the numbers) to return once again to the full view of the computer room.
- Click the passageway between the desk and the open door. This takes you to the kitchen.
- Click near the upper left corner of the large square of reflected sunlight on the table. Click the number 3 to collect it.
- Click the black bar near the bottom of the game screen (just above the numbers) to return once again to the full view of the kitchen.
- Click the microwave oven (on top of the refrigerator). Click the number 3 to collect it.
- Click the black bar near the bottom of the game screen (just above the numbers) to return once again to the full view of the kitchen.
- Click the stove (just to the left of the sink). Click the number 3 to collect it.
- Click the black bar on the right side of the game screen. Click the number 7 from the sink to collect it.
- Now, click the black bar on the left side of the game screen. This takes you back to the view of the stove.
- Click the black bar near the bottom of the game screen (just above the numbers) to return once again to the full view of the kitchen.
- Click the black bar near the bottom of the game screen (just above the numbers). This takes you back to the computer room.
- Next, click the open door. You are now in the bathroom.
- Click the bathtub to reveal the number 9. Click the number 9 to collect it.
- Click the black bar near the bottom of the game screen (just above the numbers). This takes you back to the full view of the bathroom.
- Click the black bar near the bottom of the game screen (just above the numbers). This takes you back to the computer room.
- Click the black bar on the right side of the game screen. You are now back to the main TV room.
- Click the black bar at the top of the game screen.
- Click the door handle.
- Click the 'C' to clear away all the zeros.
- To enter the correct code, to escape, you will click the 3 colored rectangles that are above the letter 'C' and the word 'OK'. The correct sequence can be found by simply following the colors of the 10 numbers you have collected reading from left to right. Since the first number is red you would click the red rectangle first. Then, blue. Then, orange. And so forth. Here is the full sequence: Red, Blue, Orange, Red, Blue, Orange, Orange, Red, Blue, Orange. This reveals the correct code to escape: 3123122312.
- Click 'OK' to escape!