Super Generic Quiz Game

Game Description: Super Generic Quiz Game is a clone of the popular ABC show "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire."

How to Play Super Generic Quiz Game:
  • Click the 'Play' button. Then, click the 'Begin Game' button.
  • Try to answer 15 questions and reach 10 MILLION dollars!
  • There are 4 possible answers for each question. To submit your answer, either click the answer you think is correct or type the corresponding letter on your keyboard (lowercase a, b, c, or d).
  • You have 30 seconds to answer the first 5 questions, and 45 seconds for the remaining questions.
  • If you miss any of the first 5 questions your winnings are $0.
  • If you get to question 5 and answer that question correctly you are guaranteed to win at least $5,000.
  • Anytime, after you hit the $5,000 mark, should you be stumped you may walk away and take the money. Click the letter 'w' on your keyboard to walk away.
  • If you miss any question from 6 to 9 your winnings drop back down to $5,000.
  • If you get to question 10 and answer that question correctly you are guaranteed to win at least $100,000.
  • If you miss any question from 11 to 14 your winnings drop back down to $100,000.
  • If you are able to answer all 15 questions correctly you win $10 MILLION!
  • The game ends when you miss a question, walk away, or when you win the $10 MILLION.
  • Please note: This game is played strictly for entertainment. No money is actually won or lost.

Super Generic Quiz Game Lifelines: Just like the real game show on TV you have lifelines to help you along the way. You may use more than one lifeline on a single question, but each lifeline may only be used one time during the entire game. To use a lifeline, click on any of the lifeline icons, or click 1 for Half-It, 2 for Poll Some Folks, 3 for Call A Buddy, 4 for The Professor, or 5 for BounceBack. Your lifelines are:
  • Half-It: Half-It takes away two wrong answers, leaving one wrong answer and the correct one.
  • Poll Some Folks: Poll Some Folks gets the opinion of our audience about the question and puts it in a bar graph.
  • Call A Buddy: Call A Buddy sponsered by T-Mobile calls up one of our friends and sees what they think.
  • After the $100,000 mark you get two additional lifelines. They are:
  • Call The Professor: Ask The Professor for help.
  • BounceBack: BounceBack lets you take two guesses at the question, but you can't walk away.

Richard's Rating: 3 out of 5.

Pro: Super Generic Quiz Game really is super is some respects. The graphics and sounds are top-notch. Adding voices to the Call A Buddy and The Professor lifelines is also a nice twist.

Con: It's really a shame there are not more questions. With only 141 questions, you are bound to get many repeats. Because of so many repeat questions, I found myself getting bored after playing the game only a few times.

More Games: If you like Super Generic Quiz Game you may also like to play Who Wants To Be A Millionaire which has about 10 times the number of questions.
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