How to Play Daily Crossword #1:
- Click on an unselected square to select that square.
- Click on a selected square to change between Across and Down.
- Click on a clue to select the corresponding word.
- Use your keyboard to type in the correct letters.
- Press the space bar to change between Across and Down.
- Press the delete key to clear the selected square.
- Press the backspace key to clear the selected square, or the previous square if the selected square is empty.
- Use the arrow keys to select a neighboring square.
- Press the enter key, or tab key, to select the next word.
- Shift + Tab selects the previous word.
- Press Home to select the first square in the selected word.
- Press End to select the last square in the selected word.
- Click the 'Solve Letter' button to solve the selected square.
- Click the 'Solve Word' button to solve the selected word.
- Click the 'Solve Puzzle' button to solve the entire puzzle.
- Click the 'Show Errors/Hide Errors' button to show or hide errors. (When you click 'Show Errors', any mistake you make will be displayed in red letters. This makes solving the puzzle easier. When you click 'Hide Errors', the errors you make will not be displayed. This, of course, makes solving the puzzle more challenging).
- Click the 'Restart' button to play again.
- Watch your score at the top of the screen. The faster you can solve the puzzle, the higher you will score!
Richard's Rating: 3 out of 5.
Comments: Daily Crossword #1 is quite good. I like that there is a new puzzle to solve each day. The puzzles are a little bit on the easy side, but not terribly easy. Overall, I think Daily Crossword #1 is a very nice addition to my site!
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Please scroll down to play your game.
Please scroll down to play your game.
crossword puzzle. One moment please.