Tic Tac Toe Trivia

Game Description: Play a Tic Tac Toe trivia game that's fully animated. There are 10 categories of trivia including sports, movies, pop culture, history and more.

How to Play Tic Tac Toe Trivia:
  • Click the 'Play' button.
  • Select your mark. Click either "X" or "O".
  • Choose one of the 10 trivia categories by clicking on the category of your choice. The categories are: Arts & Literature, Food, Geography, History, Movies, Nature, Pop Culture, Science & Math, Sports, and Potpourri.
  • After selecting your trivia category, click the 'Play' button again.
  • Choose one of the 9 boxes from the board by clicking on it.
  • A trivia question will appear at the upper right of the game screen.
  • Each question has 3 possible answers.
  • Click the button next to the answer you believe to be correct.
  • If you are right, you get the box.
  • If you are wrong, the computer gets the box.
  • If you get 3 boxes in a row vertically, hortizontally, or diagonally... you win!
  • If the computer gets 3 boxes in a row... you lose!
  • If neither you, or the computer, gets 3 boxes in a row... the game ends in a tie.
  • Click 'Play Again' to begin a new game.
  • Tic Tac Toe Trivia will track, and show you, your number of wins, losses, and ties, at the top of the game.

Tic Tac Toe Trivia Game Options:
  • The game sounds may be turned on or off by clicking the microphone icon located at the upper right side of the game screen.

Tic Tac Toe Trivia Playing Tips:
  • If you start to get a lot of repeat questions, try switching to a different trivia category.

Richard's Rating: 3 out of 5.

Pro: Tic Tac Toe Trivia has fun animations and sounds.

Con: The questions are somewhat on the easy side.
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