Battle Bingo

Game Description: Play bingo against the computer. See who will get Bingo first!

How to Play Battle Bingo:
  • Click 'Play'.
  • Select your game type: Regular (get a Bingo five across, down, or on diagonal), X (draw an "X" on your card by getting both diagonals), or Full Card (fill in every spot on your card).
  • In Battle Bingo you will compete against the computer to see who will be the first to get Bingo!
  • The computer's bingo card is on the right.
  • Your bingo card is on the left.
  • The computer will mark off its own numbers as the numbers are called.
  • You will click on each number of your card with your left mouse button as the numbers are called.
  • Don't forget to click the 'Bingo!' button when you get a Bingo.
  • If both you and the computer happen to get a Bingo on the same number the computer will win because the computer marks off its numbers instantaneously as soon as the numbers come up. So, if there is a tie you have no chance unless, of course, you happen to be a superhero. lol

Battle Bingo Game Options:
  • The music may be turned on or off by clicking the microphone icon located at the bottom center of the game screen.

Battle Bingo Playing Tips:
  • Try not to get distracted. If you get behind, you can check to see what numbers have been called. (The called numbers are listed at the top). However, because the numbers come up rather quickly it can be difficult to catch up especially if there are already a lot of numbers called.
  • When playing the "X" game type you only need to mark numbers that are on the two diagonals. All other numbers, including all numbers from the 'N' column, do not need to be marked off.

Richard's Rating: 2 out of 5.

Pro: Battle Bingo is an easy and relaxing game to play.

Con: This game certainly could have been improved with a little animation or better sounds.

Other Games: If you like Battle Bingo, you might also like to try Mini Bingo.

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