Doodle God Walkthrough

Here is the solution for all 115 elements in the Doodle God game.

Some elements have more than one solution. I am not certain if other solutions exist, but these are the ones I have been able to find so far.

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1. Air = Beginning Element
2. Airplane = Air + Car
3. Alcohol = Fire + Water
4. Alcoholic = Alcohol + Human
4. Alcoholic = Beer + Human
4. Alcoholic = Human + Vodka
5. Ash = Dragon + Hunter
5. Ash = Dust + Fire
5. Ash = Fire + Tree
5. Ash = Fire + Wood
6. Assassin = Human + Poisoned Weapon
7. Bacteria = Life + Swamp
8. Beast = Earth + Lizard
9. Beer = Alcohol + Wheat
10. Beetle = Earth + Worm
11. Bird = Air + Egg
12. Blood = Beast + Hunter
12. Blood = Bird + Hunter
12. Blood = Dinosaur + Human
12. Blood = Dragon + Warrior
13. Boat = Water + Wood
14. Boiler = Metal + Steam
15. Book = Feather + Paper
16. Bread = Dough + Fire
17. Bricks = Clay + Fire
18. Butterfly = Air + Worm
19. Car = Cart + Oil
20. Cart = Wheel + Wood

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21. Cement = Clay + Limestone
22. Ceramics = Clay + Human
23. Chariot = Beast + Cart
24. Cigarette = Paper + Tobacco
25. Clay = Sand + Swamp
26. Clothes = Fabric + Human
27. Coal = Fire + Tree
27. Coal = Fire + Wood
28. Concrete = Cement + Water
29. Corpse = Fire + Human
29. Corpse = Human + Poison
30. Demigod = Energy + Wizard
31. Dinosaur = Earth + Egg
32. Dolphin = Beast + Fish
33. Domestic Animal = Beast + Human
34. Dough = Flour + Water
35. Dragon = Dinosaur + Fire
36. Dust = Air + Earth
37. Earth = Beginning Element
38. Egg = Life + Stone
39. Electricity = Energy + Metal
40. Energy = Air + Fire

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41. Fabric = Tools + Wool
42. Feather = Bird + Hunter
43. Fern = Moss + Swamp
44. Fertilizer = Domestic Animal + Grass
45. Field = Earth + Tools
46. Fire = Beginning Element
47. Firearm = Gunpowder + Weapon
48. Fish = Snake + Water
49. Flour = Stone + Wheat
50. Frigate = Fabric + Ship
51. Ghost = Ash + Life
52. Ghoul = Corpse + Zombie
53. Glass = Fire + Sand
54. Golem = Clay + Life
55. Grass = Earth + Moss
56. Gun Powder = Saltpetre + Sulfur
57. Hero = Dragon + Warrior
58. House = Bricks + Concrete
59. Human = Golem + Life
60. Hunter = Human + Weapon

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61. Hut = Human + Stone
62. Lava = Earth + Fire
63. Life = Energy + Swamp
64. Limestone = Shell + Stone
65. Lizard = Snake + Worm
66. Locomotive = Cart + Steam-Engine
67. Meat = Beast + Hunter
67. Meat = Bird + Hunter
67. Meat = Domestic Animal + Human
68. Metal = Fire + Stone
69. Milk = Domestic Animal + Grass
69. Milk = Domestic Animal + Human
70. Moss = Swamp + Weeds
71. Mushroom = Earth + Weeds
72. Oil = Coal + Water
73. Paper = Reed + Tools
74. Phoenix = Bird + Fire
75. Plankton = Bacteria + Water
76. Poison = Snake + Tools
77. Poisoned Weapon = Poison + Weapon
78. Reed = Grass + Swamp
79. Saltpetre = Fertilizer + Limestone
80. Sand = Air + Stone

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81. Scorpion = Beetle + Sand
82. Seeds = Grass + Grass
82. Seeds = Life + Sand
83. Sex = Human + Human
84. Shell = Plankton + Stone
85. Ship = Boat + Wood
86. Sky Scraper = Glass + House
87. Snake = Sand + Worm
87. Snake = Swamp + Worm
88. Steam = Air + Water
88. Steam = Lava + Water
89. Steam-Engine = Coal + Boiler
90. Steam Ship = Ship + Steam-Engine
91. Stone = Lava + Water
92. Storm = Air + Energy
93. Sulfur = Bacteria + Swamp
94. Swamp = Earth + Water
95. Thunder Bird = Bird + Storm
96. Tobacco = Fire + Grass
97. Tools = Human + Metal
98. Treant = Life + Tree
99. Tree = Earth + Seeds
100. Turtle = Egg + Sand

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101. Vampire = Blood + Human
102. Vodka = Alcohol + Water
103. Warrior = Hunter + Weapon
104. Water = Beginning Element
105. Weapon = Metal + Tools
106. Weeds = Life + Water
107. Werewolf = Beast + Vampire
108. Whale = Fish + Plankton
109. Wheat = Field + Seeds
110. Wheel = Tools + Wood
111. Wizard = Energy + Human
112. Wood = Tools + Tree
113. Wool = Beast + Hunter
113. Wool = Domestic Animal + Human
114. Worm = Bacteria + Swamp
114. Worm = Earth + Plankton
115. Zombie = Corpse + Life

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