How to Play Desert Hunter:
- You have two minutes to shoot as many animals as you can.
- Use your mouse to move the cross hair.
- Position the cross hair on an animal and press your left mouse button to fire.
- Each time you run out of bullets press your space bar to reload.
- Shoot a scorpion to earn 100 points.
- Shoot a small size bird to earn 30 points.
- Shoot a medium size bird to earn 20 points.
- Shoot a large size bird to earn 10 points.
- With every hit the bonus bar fills. If it is full you gain bonus points!
- Each coyote you shoot adds 5 seconds to your time.
- The game ends when your time expires.
Desert Hunter Game Options:
- The game sounds may be turned on or off by clicking the microphone icon located at the lower right corner.
Desert Hunter Playing Tips:
- Shoot as many coyotes as you can. This adds 5 seconds to your time. These 5 second increments can really add up and make a big difference.
- You cannot see the entire desert scene at one time. To see more, move your mouse pointer all the way to the right or left and the scene will change. So, for instance, if a coyote gets away on the first scene you may be able to chase it down by sliding to the next scene.
- Each time you run out of bullets don't forget to reload!
- Watch for scorpions on the large cactus in the center of the main screen. The scorpions, which earn you 100 points each, run up the cactus but disappear rather quickly.
Richard's Rating: 2 out of 5.
Comments: Although Desert Hunter is rather easy, compared to many other shooting games, I still find it fun to play.
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