How to Play Wild Wild Taxi:
- Use the Up arrow key to go faster.
- Use the Down arrow key to slow down.
- There are 3 lanes.
- Use the Right and Left arrow keys to change lanes.
- Use the spacebar to jump.
- You are racing against the clock.
- Your goal is to cover the required distance (shown in meters on the screen near the upper left corner) before the clock gets down to zero.
- If you succeed, you continue on to the next level. (There are no breaks between levels. You just keep driving. This is just one continuous wild ride!)
- If, on any level, should the clock get all the way down to zero... it's game over!
Wild Wild Taxi Game Options: The game options may be accessed by clicking the object that sort of looks like a gear shaft; located just to the right of the question mark near the upper right corner of the game. The game options are as follows:
- The game sounds may be adjusted.
- The music volume may be adjusted.
- Full Screen mode may be turned on or off.
Wild Wild Taxi Playing Tips:
- You don't have to jump over every car. Sometimes, you can go around them by switching lanes.
- If you get stuck behind a row of 3 cars, press the Down arrow key to slow down. Then, when you get enough distance between your taxi and the other cars, speed up and try to jump again.
Pro: Wild Wild Taxi is a simple, yet fun game.