Christmas Sorter

Game Description: Each level begins with some christmas ornaments inside a grid, and other ornaments moving on a conveyer belt from left to right at the top of the screen. Your task is to click on the moving ornaments at the top, and get them to drop into the grid where they can be matched with two or more like-colored oranments forming a set of 3 or more. When you make enough matches, the Christmas tree on the left will begin to fill with ornaments. Once the Christmas tree is filled with ornaments, and gets a star on top, you win the level! But, be careful. If any ornament in the grid crosses the line at the top, you lose. There are 20 levels of play, and each level is faster and harder. Good luck!

How to Play Christmas Sorter:
  • Once the game fully loads, either click the 'Start' button, or click the 'Skip Level' button to find the level you would like to start on. (If this is your first time playing Christmas Sorter, I recommend that you begin with Level 1. Then, progress through the levels naturally. Of course if you have played the game before, then you will know which level you will want to begin with).
  • Each level begins with some christmas ornaments inside a grid, and other ornaments moving on a conveyer belt from left to right at the top of the screen.
  • Your job is to click on the moving ornaments at the top and get them to drop into the grid where they can be matched with two or more like-colored oranments.
  • When you make a match of 3 or more like-colored ornaments, those oranments will disappear from the screen and earn you points.
  • Any ornaments that get all the way to the right will fall off of the conveyer belt and drop down the right side of the screen and then move to the left and begin forming a line of ornaments below the gird.
  • When the line of ornaments below the grid fills up completely, those oranments will move up into the grid itself, forming a new bottom row and pushing the other grid ornaments up higher towards the top.
  • Be careful. If any ornament in the grid crosses the line at the top, you lose the level.
  • When you make enough matches the Christmas tree on the left will begin to fill with ornaments. Once the Christmas tree is filled with ornaments, and gets a star on top, you win the level!
  • Christmas Sorter has 20 levels of play. Each level is faster and harder. Because the game allows you to skip levels anytime you wish, you may play any level you want at any time.

Christmas Sorter Game Options:
  • The game sounds may be turned on or off by clicking the letter 'M' icon located near the lower right corner (just above where it says 'More Games').

Richard's Rating: 3 out of 5.

Comments: Christmas Sorter offers a good challenge as you go up the levels. On the higher levels, it will definitely test your quick decision making, and your hand-eye coordination.

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Please scroll down to play your game.

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Play Christmas Sorter on Full Screen

Please Note: Before playing Christmas Sorter in Full Screen mode, you may want to take a moment, or two, to read my review. Then, after playing your game, simply click the back button on your browser to return to this page.

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