Stay Yellow

Game Description: You're a little yellow blockhead and you want to stay that way. Avoid the other blockheads who will splatter you with their color. Collect the jars of paint to restore your yellow color. Collect the jars of molasses to slow the other blockheads down for a little while. Avoid the Boss at all costs. Stay Yellow for as long as you can!

How to Play Stay Yellow:
  • Once the game fully loads, click the 'Play' button.
  • You're a little yellow blockhead
  • You will control your yellow blockhead with mouse movement.
  • Avoid the other blockheads who will splatter you with their color.
  • Collect the jars of paint to restore your yellow color.
  • Collect the jars of molasses to slow the other blockheads down for a little while.
  • Pick up the shield (the shield looks like a bluish-green bubble) to make yourself invincible for a short period of time.
  • Avoid the Boss (the extra big blockhead) at all costs. Neither the shield or molasses affects him. (You will know when the boss is around because you will hear his distinctive music while he is on the screen).
  • You have 5 lives. Each life is represented by the 5 yellow blockheads at the upper right corner of the game screen.
  • Each time you get splattered, you lose 1 life.
  • Each time you collect a jar of yellow paint, you regain 1 life.
  • If you get splattered by the Boss, you immediately lose all of your lives and it's ... game over!
  • Stay Yellow for as long as you can.
  • The game ends when you lose your last life.

Stay Yellow Game Options:
  • The game sounds may be turned on or off by clicking the microphone icon located at the upper left corner of the game screen.

Richard's Rating: 3 out of 5.

Comments: Stay Yellow is simple, yet fun!

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