Color Trail

Game Description: Each piece has a color and a shape. You can make a trail by matching three or more pieces together. To begin a trail, click on a piece and drag your mouse to a neighboring piece that matches either its color or shape. (You can move horizontally, vertically, or diagonally from piece to piece). To end a trail just release the mouse button. Before you begin each level Color Trail will give you a specific goal, and explain what you need to do to meet your objective. There are also many different kinds of power-ups to help you win. If you are able to achieve the level goal before time runs out, you will advance to the next level of play. If you fail, you may repeat a level as many times as you need until you succeed. The game starts out rather easy but becomes increasingly more difficult as you progress through the levels because with the higher levels you are given less time to complete your task. Color Trail has 25 levels of play. If you are able to finish all 25 levels, you will certainly deserve a feather in your cap. It will not be easy!

Richard's Rating: 4 out of 5.

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