Hidden Objects Room 2 Walkthrough

Because the YouTube video walkthrough for Hidden Objects Room 2 (which somebody else created, by the way) plays much too fast, I decided to create four still pictures, all on my own, that show where all of the hidden objects are located. I think this will prove to be very helpful. Do enjoy!

Hidden Objects Room 2 Level 1 Walkthrough

Here is the solution for Hidden Objects Room 2, Level 1, with all of the hidden objects circled.

Hidden Objects Room 2 Level 2 Walkthrough

Here is the solution for Hidden Objects Room 2, Level 2, with all of the hidden objects circled.

Hidden Objects Room 2 Level 3 Walkthrough

Here is the solution for Hidden Objects Room 2, Level 3, with all of the hidden objects circled.

Hidden Objects Room 2 Level 4 Walkthrough

Here is the solution for Hidden Objects Room 2, Level 4, with all of the hidden objects circled.

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