Red Riot

Game Description: You are a Russian Superhero! Fly around with your jetpack as you destroy flying drones, tanks, radar towers, and more!

How to Play Red Riot:
  • Click 'Play Game'.
  • Click the 'Campaign' button.
  • Use your arrow keys to move your Superhero.
  • Fire at the enemy with your left mouse button.
  • There are 3 campaigns.
  • Each campaign has 5 missions. So there are a total of 15 missions to complete.
  • Your goal is to complete each mission.
  • Red Riot should automatically save your game progress as long as you use the same computer.

Just So you Know: Red Riot is MochiCoins enabled. Although I have never purchased MochiCoins myself, I do know a little bit about it. What this basically means is players can purchase MochiCoins, with actual money, to give themselves an advantage and help them win the game. While there is certainly nothing wrong with that (it is simply a form of inexpensive entertainment), just remember that you can always play for free. However, as you progress in the levels, you perhaps could find it somewhat difficult to complete the game without purchasing MochiCoins. I don't know if that would be the case. I am just saying it is a possibility. Personally, I don't take my games that seriously. I play them casually, and I always play for free. I am sure you will get a lot of fun playing Red Riot even if you only play for free, like I do.

Red Riot Game Options: All game options may be accessed by clicking the 'Options' button on the Main Menu. The options are:
  • The game sounds may be adjusted on a sliding scale.
  • The music volume may also be be adjusted on a sliding scale.
  • GFX Quality may be set at High (the default) or Low. (If the game runs slow, try the Low setting).
  • There are five languages available: English, Chinese, German, French, and Spanish.
  • The controls may be set to mouse/keyboard or keyboard only.

Red Riot Playing Tips:
  • The best advise I can give you is to constantly keep moving and firing.
  • For mission 1 you will probably have to take out the flying spacecraft. After I did that, the tanks were rather easy to destroy, and I was able to complete the mission. I really can't explain how I was able to defeat the spacecraft because it happened rather quickly. I do know that while I was flying above the spacecraft I either bumped it or fired on it (maybe both, but it likely was the firing that did the trick). Anyways, the spacecraft sort of drifted to the left never to be seen again and I was able to finally complete mission 1.
  • I have not yet tried mission 2. So, for the remaining 14 missions you can have fun figuring out everything for yourself.

Richard's Rating: 4 out of 5.

Pro: The graphics and production values for Red Riot are absolutely spectacular!

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