Twist Bang

Game Description: Twist and match the blocks to create immense combos. Outsmart the fiendish bombs and locks. Unleash the powerful glowing blocks and grab the highest score you can!

How to Play Twist Bang:
  • Move the magnifying glass around the board with your mouse.
  • There will always be 4 blocks viewed inside the magnifying glass.
  • Click your mouse to rotate the 4 blocks inside the magnifying glass. The 4 blocks will rotate clockwise.
  • There are 6 types of blocks on the board: treasure chest, hook, skull, cannon, rifle, tree, and whale.
  • As you rotate the blocks try to make matches of at least 3 of a kind either hortizontally or vertically.
  • Make matches of 4 or more of a kind to get the powerful special glowing block.
  • Make a match with a glowing block and up to 9 blocks will be removed from the board (the glowing block itself, plus the 8 blocks that surround it).
  • Matched blocks will be removed from the board, and the blocks above will drop down to take their place.
  • Watch for locks and bombs.
  • A new lock or bomb will appear after the number of turns seen at the bottom left of the screen. (For instance. If the number under the bomb at the bottom left shows 09, this means that a new bomb will appear on the board after you make 9 moves. Similarly, if the number under the lock shows 12, this means that a new lock will appear on the board after you make 12 moves).
  • Locks will stop you from moving blocks. (If you place the magnifying glass over a locked block, those 4 blocks cannot be moved).
  • Remove locked blocks from the board by matching them with at least 2 other similar blocks.
  • Each bomb has a number on it at the bottom left of its block. This number tells you when the bomb will explode. (For instance. If the bomb has a 13 on it you know that the bomb will explode after you make 13 moves).
  • Remove bombs from the board by matching them with at least 2 other similar blocks.
  • Be careful! The game ends when any bomb explodes!

Twist Bang Game Options:
  • The game sounds may be turned on or off by clicking the 'Sound On-Off' button located on the Main Menu screen.

Twist Bang Playing Tips:
  • Remember, the most important goal is to remove bombs from the board because the game ends when any bomb explodes.
  • There are two ways to remove a bomb: The first way would be to match the bomb with at least two other similar blocks. For example, if the bomb is attached to a whale block you could remove the bomb by matching it with at least two other whale blocks. The second way to remove a bomb would be to make a match with a glowing block if the glowing block is right next to the bomb itself.
  • Keep in mind, bombs can be moved. So, you can move a bomb towards two other similar blocks. You can also move the two other similar blocks toward the bomb. You have to figure out which course of action takes the least amount of moves because, of course, Twist Bang limits the amount of moves you can make before the bomb explodes. Another thing you can do is to make a match under a block you need and make it drop down 3 rows to bring it closer to where you need it to be. You can drop the bomb down 3 rows, or one of the other similar blocks you need.
  • A secondary goal is to remove locked blocks from the board. If you don't, things will get clogged up very quickly and your options to move blocks will be greatly diminished. You remove locked blocks by matching them with at least two other similar blocks. Locked blocks cannot be moved, so you will have to bring at least two other similar blocks to the locked block. For example, if a tree block has a lock on it you would have to bring at least two other tree blocks to the locked tree block. You can also destroy a locked block if you are able to make a match will a glowing block and the glowing block is right next to the locked block.
  • It is not unusual to remove both a bomb and a locked block with a single move. For example, if both the bomb and the locked block are skull blocks, you can make a match with those two blocks plus at least one other skull block.
  • If you notice an isolated block on the board, and if you have the luxury of making extra moves, you may want to move the isolated block toward other similar blocks. For example, if you have a rifle block on one area of the board and there are no other rifle blocks anywhere in the area you may want to try to move that rifle block toward other rifle blocks. Again, only do this if you don't have other more pressing matters to deal with, such as those pesky bombs and locks.
  • It takes planning, and a little practice, to learn how to make matches of at least 4 of a kind to get a glowing block.
  • Try to make at least one glowing block on Level 1 before you have bombs and locked blocks to worry about.
  • If you do get a glowing block don't just use it up. Try to save it so you can use it when you need it to destroy either a bomb, a locked block, and perhaps even both. If you have the chance, and with Twist Bang you rarely have the luxury to make extra moves unless you are on the early levels, try to move the glowing block toward the center of the board rather than next to the sides. Also be careful to not accidently match the glowing block with other similar blocks until you need it.

Richard's Rating: 4 out of 5.

Pro: Twist Bang is an intense, intriguing, and fun game of strategy. It may take you at least 10 to 15 minutes before you really start to understand the game, but once you do, I am sure you will appreciate what a fine game this truly is.
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