Comments & Scores

I thought it might be kind of fun to have a page where I could offer additional comments about some of the games I have here on Richard's Game Reviews. As you can see, I have named it Comments & Scores.

Here I will share some of my own gaming experiences, and give you my personal best scores for some of the games I play. I spend a lot of my available computer time searching for new games that I can bring here for you to play. So I don't have too much time for actual game play myself. But I do indulge from time to time.

You can marvel about how good my scores are, or laugh about how bad they are. I am sure you will be doing a lot more laughing than marveling, but that's okay. It's all in good fun! So, anyway, here goes.

One of the games I have been playing quite a bit lately is Wordstacks. Wordstacks is a fantastic game. If you haven't yet tried it, you really should. My highest Wordstacks score so far is 826 points which, at the time I am writing this, places me in 7th position for the all time high scores on the Wordstacks Leaderboard. If you check the Leaderboard, look under the all tab and look for Richard C. (By the way, if you happen to check any of the Leaderboards on Richard's Game Reviews, and if you ever see the name Richard C., just know that is me). Right now, the person who has the highest score is someone from Canada using the name Aud. As a matter of fact, right now Aud has positons 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 9, plus many more postions among the top 50 scores. I would venture to guess that Aud probably has discovered a few high scoring words that he or she is using over and over again. So my suggestion would be to make your own list of high scoring words that you can use again and again. Of course, you have to make sure that Wordstacks will accept your high scoring "word", but it has been my experience that Wordstacks is pretty fair about what words it will accept. You also have to have those letters come up in your game and then be skillful enough to move the letters around to score your word. I hope that sometime in the foreseeable future that I can possibly move up on the Wordstacks Leaderboard.

Another game that I used to play here on Richard's Game Reviews is Gems Swap II. Click the 'High Scores' button on the Gems Swap II game and a window will pop up that says 'World's Highest Scores of All Times'. Actually that title is somewhat misleading. I set up this Leaderboard to only show scores from people who play Gems Swap II here on Richard's Game Reviews. If you take a look at this Leaderboard you will see that there was quite a battle brewing between someone named Rey Gamba and someone named Surfer Boy. Well I don't know who Rey Gamba is, but I am going to reveal here for the first time that I was Surfer Boy! We had quite a competition going for a while but he eventally won out. I haven't played Gems Swap II in probably more than 9 months. To get scores that high it can take almost a full hour, and the game was becoming a little bit too addictive for me.

Here are some of my personal high scores for some of the games I play here on Richard's Game Reviews. Some of the games like Pacman (which you can see that I am terrible at), and Jewel Quest do not have Leaderboards. So you will just have to trust me that I am giving you my true accurate scores, which I promise I will always do. I will begin by playing a few quick games just to get this list started. Then, from now on, each time I play a game and improve my score I will post the results here. And then, you can laugh or marvel. Feel free to post your comments below.

Birds on a Wire -- 35,020
Bubble Shooter 3 -- 318,336
Fishy -- 11,376
Gems Swap II -- 89,320
Gutterball -- 194
Insect Word Search -- 1,962
Jewel Quest -- 141,856
Pacman -- 4,780
Springo Bingo Deluxe -- 36,340
Stay Yellow -- 1min 24sec
Street Sesh -- 138,998
Winter Solitaire -- 7,215
Word Grid -- 82,600
Wordstacks -- 826

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