![Lost in the Tribes](http://i43.tinypic.com/2zibs6t.jpg)
How to Play Lost in the Tribes:
- There are four levels of play.
- Each level has a list of hidden objects at the right.
- Each time you correctly click on a hidden object in the picture, that word will be crossed off the list.
- The timer is the spinning wheel at the top which moves from left to right.
- Your objective is to find all of the hidden objects before the time runs out.
- Be careful. Each time you make a mistake by clicking anywhere other than a hidden object the spinning wheel will temporarily speed up and cost you a little more time.
- If you are able to find all of the hidden objects before the spinning wheel gets all the way to the right, you win and go on to the next level of play.
- If the spinning wheel manages to get all the way to the right, you lose and you must begin the game again back at level 1.
Please Note: Before playing Lost in the Tribes in Full Screen mode, you may want to take a moment, or two, to read my review. Then, after playing your game, simply click the back button on your browser to return to this page.
Lost in the Tribes Achievements: Lost in the Tribes has six different goals you can try to obtain. These are called Achievements. As long as you use the same computer each time you play, Lost in the Tribes should automatically save your Achievements for you. To see what Achievements you have won, click the 'Achievements' button from the main menu on the game. Here are the six Achievements you can try to win:
- Complete a level in less than 60 seconds.
- Complete a level without making a mistake.
- Complete all levels without any mistakes.
- Find 70 objects.
- Find all objects in the game.
- Finish the game in a single attempt.
Comments: Each time you play Lost in the Tribes the pictures will always be the same, and each hidden object will remain in the same place too. So each time you play you will remember a little more and be able to progress further in the game. Even so, Lost in the Tribes is challenging enough to give you quite a lot of fun. (Wow, it sure took me a long time to find the fish in Level 1. lol) Once you figure out where all of the hidden objects are located, the game can still be challenging as you try to win each of the six different Achievements. Lost in the Tribes also features rather good graphics and sounds. I do like that drumbeat! All in all, Lost in the Tribes is a very nice game to play.
Richard's Rating: 4 out of 5.
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