![Battle Scribes](http://i41.tinypic.com/vcvxx4.jpg)
How to Play Battle Scribes:
- You will battle against ten opponents, one at a time.
- The clock is located directly above the letterboard. The power bar is located directly below it.
- Your goal is to spell enough valid words quickly enough to push the power bar all the way to the right to win, before the clock runs out. If you do, you will go on to the next battle.
- You lose if the power bar gets all the way to the left, or if you run out of time.
- Also, directly below the power bar, there is another button called the word button. Watch this button carefully. When it turns green, this means you have formed a valid word. When it is red, this means that no valid word is currently formed.
- Valid words must consist of at least three letters and follow British or American spelling.
- No proper nouns may be used.
- Letters can be clicked with the mouse or typed in any order to form words. That is, letters do not have to be next to each other, or need to be touching.
- If you are a decent touch typist, keyboard controls are definitely recommended because using the keyboard is much faster than using your mouse! Press the 'Enter' key to submit a word, or to withdraw all of your selected letters should you seriously get stuck and cannot form a valid word. (If you are using your mouse, click the word button with your mouse).
- Submitting a valid word, when the word button is green, will earn you points and help push the power bar toward the right.
- Withdrawing more than one selected letter at a time, when the word bar is red, will have the opposite effect. Doing this will reduce your power bar and significantly shift it towards the left.
- Use your 'Backspace' key to withdraw the last letter of a word. (If you are using your mouse, click the last letter you selected with your mouse). Anytime you withdraw the last letter of a word your power bar will be reduced, and will shift slightly towards the left.
- Bonus letters are clearly marked so you can easily spot them. Use bonus letters to score extra points and to help push the power bar faster towards the right.
- Longer words also score more points and will quickly help you win!
- (Please note: The 'Time Trial' game is a seperate one-minute game where you can try to score as many points as you possibly can in one minute. It can only be played after you win your first tournament. Also the 'Master' tournament difficulty level may only be unlocked and played after you win the 'Knight' tournament).
Battle Scribes Game Options:
- The game sounds may be turned on or off by clicking the musical note icon located at the lower right corner.
Battle Scribes Playing Tips:
- If you know how to touch-type even a little, use your keyboard. Using your keyboard, even if you are a slow typist, is still much quicker than using your mouse.
- Remember there is a time limit for each round, and you must defeat your opponent before the clock runs out of time. If the time runs out before you have defeated your opponent, you lose! So, watch the time carefully.
Richard's Rating: 4 out of 5.
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Please Note: Before playing Battle Scribes in Full Screen mode, you may want to take a moment, or two, to read my review. Then, after playing your game, simply click the back button on your browser to return to this page.