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I don't post to these pages regularly, or follow any certain schedule. In fact, I have been known not to post here for weeks, and occasionally even for months at a time. As I said in my very first What's New? post: I will post "as the spirit moves me." So, just check in here every once in a while to see if I have anything new to say.
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Friday, March 30, 2012
All of a sudden I am having problems with the vision in my right eye. I go to the eye doctor on Monday. Hopefully everything will turn out okay.
Tuesday, Arpil 3, 2012
Well I got my eye diagnosis. I had an occurrence of what is called Posterior Vitreous Detachment. Yes, it sounds terrible. But as it turns out in my case, and in most people who experience this, there is absolutely nothing to worry about. My initial symptoms were a sudden increase in floaters (a speck that floats about in your field of vision) and flashes of light on the right side of my eye. While the light flashes only occurred on the first day, the floaters still persist. My eye doctor assures me that they will eventually go away and my vision will return to normal. In my case, like most people, there was no tear in the retina and everything will be okay. As it turns out Posterior Vitreous Detachment is a rather common occurrence, especially for people over 50 years of age. Personally I had never heard of it, and I suspect maybe you haven't either. Here is a resource that explains Posterior Vitreous Detachment. Although this usually happens to people age 50 and older, it can also happen to those under 50 too. Of course, whenever you have any changes in your vision is it very important to get your eyes checked as soon as possible by your eye care professional.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Richard's Game Reviews has just reached the milestone of one million pageviews! Thanks everybody for your continued loyalty. I truly do appreciate it!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
I am currently in the middle of doing a complete redesign of Richard's Game Reviews. I really thought that the last design change that I implemented back in January was going to be a big hit. It wasn't. In fact, it has had the opposite effect. I have lost a ton of readers. So, it is back to the drawing board once again. The new design, which I hope to roll out by the end of May or the first week of June, will be a much simpler design without a lot of the bells and whistles that you see on the current design. Hopefully, everyone will enjoy it when it's done. I would like to put it up right away, but first I will need to rewrite more than 350 game posts which is proving to be quite a daunting task. Right now I am only doing partial rewrites. Then later, after the new design is published, I can go back with a fine-toothed-comb and do compete rewrites and get everything just the way I want it. Even with only doing partial rewrites, so far I have only been able to complete about 100 game pages, so it will take at least a few more weeks. What I am basically doing with the new design for the game pages, is moving the actual games themselves below my reviews instead of having them above the review. In the meantime the website is in a little bit of flux, with some of the game pages with rewrites, and most without rewrites. I apologize for any inconvenience.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
I am still working on the redesign of Richard's Game Reviews. Things are moving along, but they are going quite a bit slower than I had hoped they would. Switching over to the new design itself will actually only take a few minutes. It is getting everything ready, so the design change will go as smoothly as possible, is what is taking so long.
Another thing that I want to mention is that I just removed the word verification option for comments. This means that it will no longer be necessary for anyone who is leaving a comment on Richard's Game Reviews to complete a word verification step, as in, type the characters you see in the picture above. Some people know this as CAPTCHA. The reason I am removing this requirement is because I would like to encourage more reader comments. I'll let you in on a little secret, even though it may make me look a little foolish. I have been blogging here on Richard's Game Reviews for almost three years, and I did not discover, until yesterday, that Richard's Game Reviews even had a CAPTCHA system installed. You may be wondering, how could I not have known this? Well, as it turns out, blog authors do not see the word verification for comments. In other words, since I am always signed in to Blogger when I blog, I never saw the CAPTCHA, that is, until yesterday when I happened to be answering a reader question when I was not signed in. Boy, was I surprised! Not only was I surprised that there was a CAPTCHA, but I was especially surprised to see how hard it was to read. Of course, CAPTCHA is nothing new to me. I am certainly used to using CAPTCHA on a regular basis as I surf the web. But this CAPTCHA was particularly bad. I had to refresh the CAPTCHA about three times before I could even read one. So it got me to thinking. I wonder how many reader comments I may have lost over the years because people could not read the CAPTCHA, or they simply became discouraged and left. So, now it's gone! At least for now. Let me explain. There is a legitimate reason for having a CAPTCHA system. It discourages blog spam by preventing automated systems from adding comments to a blog. So I will try it this way for now, and see how it goes. If spam does become a big problem, then unfortunately I would need to bring back the CAPTCHA. But let's all hope that will not be the case.
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