Balloon Popper

Game Description: Use the sun to pop some balloons!

How to Play Balloon Popper:
  • Once the game fully loads, click the 'New Game' button.
  • You begin the game with 5 lives.
  • Move the rotating sun figure around the board with your mouse to pop balloons.
  • The more balloons you can pop, the higher your score!
  • You lose one life each time a balloon reaches the top of the game screen.
  • The game ends when you lose your last life.

Balloon Popper Game Options:
  • Balloon Popper has a mute button located in the lower left corner of the game screen. I am not sure if this control works. (I couldn't get it to work for me). So, you may have to adjust your speakers.

Balloon Popper Playing Tips:
  • Try to pop the balloons as soon as they come up from the bottom rather than waiting until they get part way up.
  • Use a sweeping motion back and forth with good wrist action.

Richard's Rating: 2 out of 5.

Pro: Balloon Popper has nice graphics and sound effects. It is a decent game to play on a short break.

Con: None.

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Play Balloon Popper on Full Screen

Please Note: Before playing Balloon Popper in Full Screen mode, you may want to take a moment, or two, to read my review. Then, after playing your game, simply click the back button on your browser to return to this page.

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