
Game Description: Play the classic game of Bingo against computer controlled rivals. (Please note: this game is played purely for fun. No money is actually won or lost).

How to Play Mini-Bingo:
  • Select 'Easy' to play 1 card, 'Medium' to play 4 cards, or 'Hard' to play 9 cards.
  • You begin the game with $500 dollars.
  • Each round costs you $2.
  • If you select 'Easy' there are 10 players, including yourself. (Mini-Bingo will refer to you as guest. The other players are called robots). The pot is only $20, but with fewer players you have the best chance of winning.
  • If you select 'Medium' there are 25 players, including yourself. The pot is worth $50, but because there are more players your chance of winning is less.
  • If you select 'Hard' there are 50 players, including yourself. The pot is worth $100, but with 49 other players your chance of winning, of course, decreases.
  • The numbers are called out one at a time.
  • Mark your numbers as they are called by clicking with your mouse. (It is only necessary to mark the numbers that are within the blue highlighted pattern because the other numbers are of no importance).
  • Once you fill the blue highlighted pattern you have Bingo! Make sure you click the Bingo! button to call it out!
  • If you are the only player to have Bingo you win the entire pot! Otherwise, you split the pot with the other winners. Good luck!

Mini-Bingo Game Options:
  • The game sounds can be turned on or off by clicking the microphone icon located in the upper right corner of the game screen.
  • The game may be paused or resumed by clicking the pause button located just to the left of the microphone icon. Click once to pause. Click again to resume.
  • Select your dauber color by clicking on the colors at the bottom right.
  • You have the option of keeping or changing cards at the end of each round.

Richard's Rating: 3 out of 5.

Pro: Mini-Bingo is a relaxing and fun game for Bingo fans!

Con: There does not seem to be any way (at least that I can find) to change your selection from 'Easy', 'Medium', or 'Hard' in the middle of the game. That would have been a nice feature. But, to make this change, the only alternative seems to be to start the entire game over again from the beginning.

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