How to Play Insect Word Search:
- Once the game fully loads, click the 'Play' button.
- You have 4:00 minutes to find 10 insect related words.
- All words will run horizontally, vertically, diagonally and backwards.
- Select each word by clicking on the first letter and dragging your mouse until the end of the word.
- Be careful! Wrong answers will cost you 25 points.
- After you find a word on the list, that word will remain circled and the word will be crossed off the list.
- The more words you can find, and the faster you can find them, the more points you will score!
- If things are not going well, you can always click the 'New Words' button at anytime to begin a new word search puzzle.
- Each time you replay Insect Word Search, the puzzles will be different!
Insect Word Search Playing Tips:
- Watch for two-word names on the list of words to be found such as HORSE FLY, HOUSE FLY, DUNG BEETLE, FIRE ANT, and so forth. (Sometimes you will get two-word names on your word list, and sometimes you won't). It is somewhat easy to find these words quickly because of the space between the two words. What you need to do, is to find an empty space in the puzzle. There will usually be around two of these. One of those empty spaces will correlate with the empty space in the name of the two-word name. So, obviously you know where to start looking for these words.
- Look for words that are fully contained in other words on your list. For instance, if you have both BEETLE and BEE on your word list, you can use the first three letters in BEETLE to find BEE by dragging through those letters a second time. This can save you valuable time. Some other examples of this are BUMBLEBEE and BEE, HORSEFLY and FLY, HOUSEFLY and FLY, DUNG BEETLE and BEE, and DUNG BEETLE and BEETLE. (You won't always get these types of combinations on your word list. But be alert for them when you do).
- Look for double letters in a word such as the letters SS or PP in the word GRASSHOPPER, or the letters GG in the word EGG. Double letters can be easier to spot with your eyes.
- Be careful not to play this game too long. You may get eye strain, or a headache. I know that when I play too long, I usually get a headache. I think this could be one game where playing on Full Screen mode may even make this worse. But I still included a Full Screen version for those of you who prefer it.
Richard's Rating: 3 out of 5.
Comments: If you are trying to get a high score, Insect Word Search is both challenging and fun. Each time you replay the game it will be different, so you will never get bored. If you enjoy Word Search games, you should like this one.
Please Note: Before playing Insect Word Search in Full Screen mode, you may want to take a moment, or two, to read my review. Then, after playing your game, simply click the back button on your browser to return to this page.